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The World's Fastest Spookiest Smelliest Strongest Book

Publication Date: 10/12/2012

Price: £1.99

ISBN: 9781780550909


About the Book

This big book is stuffed with the fastest, brightest, longest, funniest, weirdest, wildest, wettest, saddest, brainiest, and fascinating-est (yikes!) things in the world. From the highest peaks to the murkiest depths, the fastest man to the slowest sloth, the oldest lake to the most venomous snake and much, much more!

About the Author

Writing is more fun if you live in interesting places. Jan Payne and husband Tony have lived on a houseboat on the Thames – on an island in Scotland and at the moment in a farmhouse in France.

For a while they ran a children's pop-up card company called Payne Family Cards.

For the last few years they have concentrated on writing stories for children. Simple stories like Plummet and The Hippo-NOT-amus for very young children. Funny stories, like Not Again Annie, for children who are a little bit older.