The ASBO Fairy Tales
Hans Christian Asbosen
Extent: 192 pages
Size: 185x125mm
Publication Date: 09/10/2008
About the Book
Sit back, relax and allow Hans Christian Asbosen to tell you fantastical stories of far-away lands. Once upon a time there were. . . Hansel and Britney and their trail of Wotsits, Jack and the Weedstalk, Snow White and the Seven Dads and Bling-erella. Not quite as traditional as first glance might suggest, these hilarious reworkings of traditional classics are a wonderfully acerbic look at today's society. The Asbo Fairy Tales are fantastically packaged to resemble a traditional book of fairy stories, with great comic illustrations of the unique characters. There's Little Red Riding Hoodie, the Crack Piper of Camden, mistakenly enlisted to rid London of its rats, and Sleep-In Beauty, who is cursed with an addiction to fairydust.
Extent: 192pages
Size: 185x125mm
Publication Date: 09/10/2014
About the Book
- 'Updated, foul-mouthed, chavved-up versions of the Disney-friendly trad tales. So we get Jack and the Weedstalk, The Butt-Ugly Duckling, The Crack Piper of Camden, Hansel And Britney and The Princess and the Oven Chip. Not one for your nieces and nephews!', Zoo