ILYA is a professional comic book writer and artist with more than 30 years experience. His work has been published internationally: by Marvel, DC and Dark Horse in the USA, Kodansha in Japan, and numerous independent companies worldwide. Books include his award-winning graphic novel series The End of the Century Club, Manga Shakespeare’s King Lear, It's Dark In London, Room for Love and, as editor, The Mammoth Book of SKULLS, MBO CULT COMICS, and Colour Me Bad. Editor of The Mammoth Book of BEST NEW MANGA (three volumes, 2006-8), he also designs and tutors workshops and courses on the art of comics and manga for colleges, galleries, libraries and schools across the UK as well as abroad. 2016 debuts a brand new concept, KID SAVAGE, in collaboration with Joe Kelly, co-creator of Ben10. ILYA lives and loves in London.