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Diary of a Grumpy Old Git

Extent: 224 pages

Size: 198x129mm

Publication Date:

Price: £9.99

ISBN: 9781843179498

Categories: Fiction, Humour

About the Book

If Adrian Mole had grown up to be a grumpy old git who had to cope with failed marriage and a life-sucking job, and worse, whose colleagues actually thought he was a miserable old git, he might be a bit like Dave Cross.
Diary of a Grumpy Old Git is the laugh-out-loud diary of Dave Cross, a man who thought he was reasonably cheerful until someone from his office bought him a 'Grumpy Old Man' diary for Christmas. Determined to prove them wrong, he resolves to be positive for an entire year. But it's not easy when your wife has run off with an estate agent called Brad and you've got a young, ambitious new boss who is determined to make you actually do some work. Add to this the everyday horrors of public transport, shopping, technology, popular culture and dating, and a sunny outlook is too much to ask. But with his fiftieth birthday fast approaching, Dave is determined to make his life less shambolic. Fantastically witty and painfully accurate, Diary of a Grumpy Old Git will appeal to anyone, grumpy old git or otherwise…

Publication Date: 04/10/2012

Price: £1.99

ISBN: 9781843179801

Categories: Fiction, Humour

About the Book

About the Author

Tim Collins is originally from Manchester, but now lives near Oxford. He is the author of over thirty books including Wimpy Vampire, Cosmic Colin, Dorkius Maximus and Sherlock Bones. His books have been translated into over 30 languages and he has won awards in the UK and Germany, including the Manchester Fiction City award and the Lincolnshire Young People's Book Award.