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Grandmother's Wisdom

Extent: 160 pages

Size: 198x129mm

Publication Date:

Price: £9.99

ISBN: 9781843179610

Categories: Lifestyle, Nostalgia

About the Book

Grandmothers have been handing out advice for centuries and their tried and tested methods are often the answer to many modern day problems. Did you know that malt vinegar and baking soda are as good as any branded cleaning product? That you can make your own delicious lemonade? Or shampoo that's perfect for your hair colour? Or what the best way to banish nasty bruises and a nagging toothache is?
In Grandmother's Wisdom you'll find all the recipes, tips and good old common sense that grandmothers have learned and put into use throughout their lives. All the methods actually work – not an old wives' tale in sight! Charming, entertaining and practical, Grandmother's Wisdom is the perfect gift for someone needing a little bit of Grandma's guidance.

Extent: 160pages

Size: 198x129mm

Publication Date: 02/02/2017

Price: £7.99

ISBN: 9781782438243

Categories: Lifestyle, Nostalgia

About the Book

Publication Date: 06/01/2012

Price: £1.99

ISBN: 9781843178408

Categories: Lifestyle, Nostalgia

About the Book

About the Author

Lee Faber has five grandchildren. She was born in New York and lived there for 30 years before moving to the UK. She has worked in publishing, printing, modelling and journalism. Her other books include Raising Goats, Aloe Vera, Juices and Smoothies and Healthy Oils.